Camille Tremblay-Antoine


I am a post-PhD researcher in political science at Columbia University specializing in computational social sciences, while I work for the Réseau francophone international en conseil scientifique as Researcher in Digital Innovation and Science Education. More precisely, I have developed a particular experience in the analysis of textual and survey data, in survey experiments, in causal inference as well as in physiological measurements of the functional state. I apply these methods for the analysis of political, administrative, media and citizens phenomena with a desire to popularize these phenomena.

My research interests are varied due to my multidisciplinary background with my PhD in political science, a master's degree in public administration, a bachelor's degree in communication and journalism. In addition, I attended summer schools in quantitative analysis of social sciences at the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at University of Michigan and the Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis.

Many of my involvements have materialized into platforms of knowledge transfer and innovation, that are presented in the Projects page.

In the academic area, I have held positions at the Leadership Chair in the Teaching of Digital Social Sciences Research, the Center for the Study of Democratic Citizenship, the Research Group in Political Science and the Center for the Analysis of Public Policy

I also sit on the Open Government Committee of the Government of Quebec.